About Daniel Pfeiffer
As VP of Marketing and Partnerships, Daniel leads OrionVM's marketing, creative, communication, and strategic partner programs. His extensive 20 year tech background spans the gaming, mobile, and cloud industries and includes leading marketing for Verizon Games (telecom). Daniel has presented and spoken at various technology conferences and events including IAB Mixx, Converge, Founders Space, and AppNation.
Entries by Daniel Pfeiffer
Welcome to the OrionVM Blog! Top 5 Lessons about Next-Gen IaaS and Wholesale Cloud
/in Blog/by Daniel PfeifferIt is auspicious timing that we launch the OrionVM blog with the recent 25 year birthday of the internet. We plan to become a meaningful voice for the new generation of cloud technologies that will shape the next 25 years and completely redefine how IT is managed, accessed and distributed.
About Us
The OrionVM Wholesale Cloud is a turnkey platform for virtual compute, storage, networks, and GPUs. Completely rebrand our public cloud, or have it deployed on-site with our MicroPoP technology.